WITHOUT COMMENT The following press release from the Anthony d'Offay
gallery was received by The Spectator this week.
Anthony d'Offay, 9 and 23 Dering Street, New Bond Street, London W1 . 01-499 4100.
GILBERT AND GEORGE RE: Reproduction and cataloguing of the Pictures.
Please ensure that your graphic desig- ner and printer are familiar with the following points: Reproductions: 1. When reproducing the Pictures, it is essential that the complete works are shown. This includes the frames (which will appear as a thin black border surrounding the work). The edges must not be cropped.
Cataloguing: 1. The artists should be referred to as Gilbert & George. Previously published family names have invariably been in- correct, and in any case should not be used.
2. The Pictures should be described in terms of Title, Date, and Size (both inches and centimetres) only. No medium is to be included.
3. The pictures should never be de- scribed as photographs. (Photography is only a part of the process by which they are made.) 4. Size: Only the overall size of the work should be indicated. (Not the number or dimensions of individual panels.) Group Exhibitions: 1. As a result of recent experience, Gilbert and George have specified the following:
If a catalogue is to be produced for the exhibition, they only wish to participate if their work is to be discussed in the introduction (if there is an introduction); but not in a way which denigrates either them or their work, in which case they would prefer not to be included in the exhibition.
A full list of exhibitions, publications and selected bibliography is available from the above address.
Please let us know if you have any queries.
Thank you.