Letters True Toryism
Sir: Over the past years we have grown accustomed to the not infrequent appear- ance of hostile references to Peter Wal- ker's reorganisation of local government in 1972-4 that......
Hitler The Socialist
Sir: Murray Sayle's 'fascist scale' (`Adolf we hardly knew you', 22 April) is limited and misses out basic points about Hitler and Mussolini and allows some dubious fish into......
What Separates Us
Sir: It is often forgotten that until 1 January 1973 the UK formed part of Efta LETTERS It is also little known that on that same date practically all restrictions on trade in......
Sir: I fully agree with Mr Michael Lewis ('Cheque-book publishing', 15 April) when he refers to the lunacy that currently riddles the publishing industry'. But having said that,......