Mr. Frederick Dundas intends to contest the representation of Orkney against the sitting Member, Mr. Balfour, in the event of an election. His politics are Whig, and he has every prospect of success. He has already issued an address to the electors, and has commenced A canvass.
Three hundred and four claimants have been registered for Aber- deenshire.
The following is the number of electors qualified for Elgin—old constituency, 576; additional qualifications, 42; total, 618.
In Fifeshire, the Tories objected to 22 voters, and could not affect Mete. In the Kirkcaldy district, the Liberals registered 84, the Tories only 84. In Cupar,. the Liberals added to their numbers 89, the Tories 68; giving the former a majority of 71, in addition to that of 467, which Captain Wemyss the Reform Member had at the last elec- tion over Colonel. Lindsay.