News Of The Week.
THE devastation committed last week on the Municipal Bill did not prevent some of its not very judicious friends from encouraging the idea, in newspaper articles and in......
Intelligence Of An Unpleasant Description Has Been...
from the United States. At Vicksburgh, which we believe is in Kentucky, five persons connected with a gambling-house had been seized by the infuriated populace, and hanged......
The Discussions In The Chamber Of Deputies On The Laws
against the French press have become unusually interesting. The Duke DE BROGLIE, THIERS, BIGNON. MAUGUIN, DUPIN, and ROYER COLLARD, are the principal orators. The Duke DE $eOGUK......
There Have Been Serious Disturbances In Madrid. In The...
noon of the 15th, several battalions of the Urban Militia drew up in battle array in the Plaza Ma) or, and demanded the dismissal of the Ministry. Some detachments of regular......
Nehateli Anti 7roceetting11 In Toitriiiintent. 1....
On Tuesday, the Municipal Bill was recommitted, on the motion of Lord MELBOURNE. • Clause 5th was altered, on the Duke of WELLINGTON'S motion, not- withstanding the opposition......