The prices of English Stocks have confirmed firm, and have even improved slightly, in spite of the threatening aspect of home politics; the abundance of money operating as a counteraction. Indeed it does not seem probable that any thing short of the actual commencement of war in Europe can produce any great decline of Stock. The long n: tice given of the West Indian Indem- nity Loan induced the suspension of the investment of large masses of capital ; and thus the large amount recently created appears to have been absorbed, under circumstances which cannot be considered favourable for speculative enterprises in the Funds. The settlement of the August Account occurred on Wednesday last ; and though the scarcity of Money Stock, under which the jobbers have for some time laboured, was remedied by the large amount of the New Loan which has been paid up, the market was not unusually heavy, and rose imme- diately after the settlement was affected.
In the Foreign Market, the business has been chiefly confined to Spanish Cortes Bonds ; the market for which was on Monday very heavy, at a decline of more than 4 per cent. from the closing price of last week. In the course of the day, however, it rallied nearly to the extent of the fall ; leaving off at 314. The Bonds have since touched 42, and for the last few days have flnetuated between that price and 41. The insurrectionary movements of the Urbanos at Madrid were the cause of the depression, and the improvement may be traced to the fact of their suppression.
The Portuguese and other European Stocks have continued nearly at our last quotations, or with slight variations ; and the only transactions of impor- tance during the week have occurred in Spanish Stock. The South American Securities are unaltered, and the Mining Shares almost entirely neglected. SATURDAY. TWELVE O'CLOCK.
The English Stock Market continues steady to-day, and the business has been greater than usually occurs on Saturday. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Bonds are still heavy, and have experienced a decline of I per cent. from yes- terday's prices. The other Foreign Securities remain unaltered, and with little doing.
3 -er Cent. Consols
893 I Dutch 21 per Cents 55/ Ditto for Account 894 90 French 3 per Cents
New 34 per Cent. Annuities 981 4 Greek, 1825.5 per Cents
Bank Stuck 215 Mexican 6 per Cents. 35 36
Exchequer Bills
20 22pm. Portuguese 3 per Cents 551 Omnium
Do. R egency 3 per Cent 85y 86} Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. die. 1U14 Russian, 1522, 5 per Cent 1091 Brazilian 5 per Cents ..
861 1
Spanish. 1S21, 5 per Cent.. 404 Danish 3 per Cents
761 7
Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.... 19; 19 Idis