The Tories pretend to entertain hopes that the Ministers will
play the People false on Monday next. In the Times this morning, Me- phistopheles lures them to destruction. These are the words of the Tempter- " Upon the whole, tee are not withal materials Ar conjecturing that the Ministers may open their eyes in time to the precipice before them. The Vnootry is idrenfir can vinced that the bill is improved m the two great points of perpetnating the rights of freemen, and protecting the property of municipal charters. The duty, however, of the Conserrzfiee Members Is char. They ought to attend next Monday in fel force. and give a fiank and hearty encuuragernent to erery indication in the King's Ministers of a desire to act rationally on this occasion, and to separate amperes. though it be but by a single vote. from the reckless partisans of violence and revolution."
The snare is too palpable, the trick too barefaced, to succeed. What ! Ministers desert the Liberals and coalesce with the Tories, to smother their own bill! No, Lord LYNDHURST, your Lordship is very cunning, but you have been found oat. Lord Mersaocnee was not born to be your dupe.
Again we entreat Lord Joni Russet'. and Mr. SPRING Brer to take their tone from the Head of the Administration.