Hesse Homburg. the Lady of Lieut-Cel. Sir CHARLES DANCE, of a son.
Oa the 26th lost. the Lady of Il, asorr BIDDIYI.PH, Esq., ki P.. of a BOO. On the 24th inst., at Otteriegton Ilall, Northallerton, the Lady of Captain Ross, 1.N.„ of a daughter.
On the 234 lust., at Williamstrip Park, Gloucestershire, the Lady of Sir hi. H. Hicss Basics, Bart., of a daughter, still-born. On the 23d inst., at Mecca Hall, Yorkshire, the Lady of Colonel MARKHAM, of a daughter. On the 25th inst., at Chawton House, Hants, the Lady of EDWARD KNIGHT, Esq. junior, of a son. MARRIAGES. On the 27th inst., at St. James's Church, E RN EsT AUGUSTUS, Earl of Lisburne, to MARY. youngest daughter of the late Sir Lowrance Palk. On the 25th inst.. at St. Mary's Church, Marylebooe, the lion. Captain BEST, R.N., son of Lord Wynford, to the Hon. MARIANNE KRNYON, only daughter of Lord Kenyon. On the 25th inst., at St. James's Church, Sir MINT° TOWNSEND FARQUHAR. Bart., attached to his Majesty's Embassy at Vienna, to ERICA CATHERINE MacKay, daughter of Lord Reay.
On the 2211 inst., at An Souls', Langliam Place, W. UPTON R Kluane. Esq.. of Pen- ryn, Cornwall. to CARoLINE, youngest daughter of Peter Reath: Cazolet, Esq., late of the Madras Civil Service. On the 24th inst., at the American Legation, at Paris, AARON VAIL, Esq.. Chargie d'Affaires of the United States at the British Court, to EMILIE LAURENCINE, daughter of the late Lawrence Salles, Esq of New York.
On the 29d inst., at St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, Mr. GEORGE P. BIDDER (the cele- brated calculator), to GEORGINA, youngest daughter of Thomas Harby, Esq., of Poplar. DEATHS.
On the 20th inst., at Little Missentlen, Bucks, Mrs. CLEAVER, widow of the late 'Bishop of St. Asaph, in her 81st year. On the 23d inst., at Milton Bryan, MARY, widow of Sir Hugh Inglis, in her 77tli year. On the 20th ult.. at Robeston Hall, MARIA, wife of W. H. Scourfield, Esq., M.P. for Haverfordwest. On the 19th inst., at Brighton. MARIANNE, widow of the late Rev. Sir Christopher Musgrave. of Eden Stall, in her 35th year. On the 21st inst., at 1101110gUe.Stir-Mer. GEORGE HERBERT GRIFFIES WILT.IAMS, Esq., eldest son of Sir George Griflies Williams, of Llwyusn Wormwood, in his 41st year. Lately, at Brislington House, near Bristol, EDWARD Losro Fox, M.D., in his 74th year.