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In all parts of the country, meetings continue to be held in favour of Corporation Reform. Since our last publication, we have accounts of assemblies, more or less numerous, but all actuated by the same spirit of determination not to be balked by the Peers, in the following places,—Neweastle-upon-Tyne, Great Yarmouth, Bury St. Edmund's, Carlisle, Whitehaven, Trowbridge, Bolton, Beverley, Hull, Northamp- ton, Gainaborough, Chesterfield, Uxbridge, Newport, Isle of Wight, Dartmouth, Deal, and King's Lynn. A memorial, very numerously signed, has-been transmitted from Liverpool to Ministers against agree- ing to any material alterations in the Municipal Bill. The Sheffield petition was signed by 10,000 persons. There is to be a great meeting of the Yorkshire Liberals, at Wakefield, on Monday next.
At the contest in Halifax, in January last, the number of registered electors amounted to 648. The present list, subject to the Revising Barrister's scrutiny, contains 926 individuals, making an accession of 278.
For several weeks past, the Committee for securing Mr. Wortley's election have been most unfortunately engaged in a dispute with a member of a legal firm, respecting their charges for business done during the progress of the election. The Committee stoutly main- tained that the charges were exorbitant, and required a large remission; the solicitor, on the contrary, peremptorily insisted on " the bill, the whole bill, and nothing less than the bill." On Tuesday, the Chair- man of Committee, Joseph Armitage, Esq. had a legal process served against him; therefore the gentlemen of the long robe may expect ere long to be pleasantly and profitably employed, in settling the dis- pute of these friends of order and good government.—Leeds Mercury. realim Roma coanneseed on Tuesday ; And, owing to the presence of
ta* fad Queen sad a large party, the cease was well attended lir
Ipeople of distinction, as well as the commonaltyg - Among the com- pany, were the Duke de Nemours (just arrived from France), the Prince of Saxe Weimar, Duke of Dorset, Lord Albemarle, Lord Paget, the Marquis Conyrigham, Lord Cavendish, and Admiral Tol- lemache. The running seems to have been of a rather ordinary de- scription, and does not require particular notice. On Wednesday, the racing appears to have been of the same character ; but the King was absent, and the weather unfavourable.
On Thursday, their Majesties were again on the course ; and at the conclusion of the races, witnessed the performance of a troop of mountebanks and tumblers, with evident delight. The running was very good on this day.
Sir Thomas Champneys has addressed a letter to the editor of a provincial journal, complaining of the lecture which he received from the Chief Commissioner of the Insolvent Court on his late discharge at Winchester, and alleging that he has been plundered of 53,0001. by one individual.
The column in commemoration of the brothers Richard and John Lander, and recording the fate of the former, is advancing towards completion at Truro. It is very eligibly situated for effect, and will be a very handsome landmark when finished.