Austria, t■rrat Britain, Prussia, and ltir..ia, to come to au
understandim; with .:,,,,1 1,•:,,•. ot, 1 p• .:, ..-.:: , 11,
of the Levant, hut also of the ■-reat importance which these (!outts have III vet the French G‘ivetattotnt rin the nvees,ary arrangetnentsthelicet. the pacitiearion
ceased to attach to min) moral effect' that the onion and cottettisrence of the Fis,•e the Iss.ssi. :,(11,ject.- Powers wotild produce in an affair so seriously and intimately connected with . ..N1 r. t t't '•,111:5•11 -1,, a :limns , 1 :•i '1,•• . '• r part of I. the mainteTt ince 511. European petwe. '['lie Foot Courts have Sven with the specch Ivas •II,fs,s,'.1 ■ ,•:-.ilitih■, V.. l,".■ a ,,,,. A.11,:,:. fOr Eli,: • and notwit6tamaling that even recently they have proposed to Erance to join . \t,,,, gr„;,,,s,i,,,, 1,,,,,,,„ .,-,•,. t. -", s this u,Ing,:tel;t to (,te,m
them in the execution of an arrangement between the Sultan and ,`Iehrinct • Victoria--
Ali, based on hkas eitouse,,,1 towards the end of' last year hy the Ereneli Am-
b.assador in Louden, still tlic French Government has not thought it could join
lit this arrangement, and has nuule its concurrence with the other 110,...ers de-
pendent upon conditions which those l'ower.s have considered incompatible tvith ,,,
Me maintenance of the independence and integrity of the Ottoman empire man my y••••m,f:M.M./'. i1.'.:5, !
and with the future tranquillity of Europe.
"In this state of thilirs, the Four Court. had no other choice than to abandon to chance for the future the great affairs which they had engaged to arrange, and thus to prove their inipotency, and to expose the peace or Europe to daily-111CreaSilig Ilam gers ; or, on the other hand, to adopt the ret,olation of proceeding without tile eoiiperation of France, in order to bring altout, by Means of their united efforts, a solution of the complications of the Levant, in conformity with the engagements which the Four Courts have contracte(l with the Sultan. and of a nature to insure future peace.
'Placed between these two choices, mind peisitaded of the urgency of an ini-
thertiiii, tile four Courts 1,,It'e tb,,;-•„!_t :t Emir duty to r.•sort to tile lattt•r time1-.V0 atol'u.tii ill with tie: Siultmi e•mveliti-e •!,•-•tin...•! , •••••'-"!.• 1:-!!tetor.ti the C01111111C.1- t101154 i1f1111;11:5' 5.11511•51.111/ in ill, 1,5.5•5"111t, " 1.110 V5/5,1;1•5-1. 11. -:1:11111g (5.111•,-1,C55.11,5.•5111!il 1154 .•5 155,1 0.15/ :11105 tiii.1.,55.1,-.•55tis. 1115511,clital'n..5 ,151•111'5/1'5,1 11,5511 la aadore
so Eur,•;:,•••,,; i•itt 111:sa, .Malin:shed 1•■• ti siisritil
',thief: Er,i11:•11 Got-,••••7i.i: 11; 1:1 1.1111.15.1 15'1115,11 ii1•it 115..5 111/i11111./ I 1111J1:/it to till. 111:111..',',115.5,1•.,10.1H11 s mai, :u•-•tipt. 1•:•0•••i,le•I .\ .11.1 a Ill; , • ; oplas,c c..u,sstcs. 11,1• 1, t!....• s in HI 1! .7 ;Ise s• 7 01. • !',CL115i1 1•:.:1:5 1 ,51 ti!•5 .• Vi•11t,51 5 • • ,15, l'os.,,T:s 0;1 Ills t 15 511 1155.5 '.55.•1 l'55•5 115.1•‘ r..1,,Ieriul it lii. ii this „•li •... : tit tss .t .1 II .• The l'osits (.',,,,v!. , ,,: •Iss ,;:.. -1 •' .• • 11 •• is -in.., 1 1 ti i',,iir i,..;, os. • February to the ntli April, Imax e reLtelie(1 the NeNV Zealand (.10inpally, no, f,-„,,, .,..,.„,„.„. ,,,-, ty. . ,,:,,...,_ ,,j,',:' --: ,..,),,1,1,-....1,.„:.,—,,',.. : , :, ..: md li in liot by the l'ortland, ri..1 Sy iliwy. 'I'lmey 001011 ml. the imitortamit fact in ;iv 151:55.ii;,•,, i„:,,r, a., ,thi,' ;,.. , „, ••• •,••• ;;;•.;,••• - - 1: ' ' I of the site of the first town having heels definitively f■x:i.• at the place tai.e.sil.,,: C,--1...,• 1,, tr., era,. ,., :; i.:;: .. • i -,,i,i, '1.-, ,., I: originally natimed "I'llormlon--situated on the Imanli.s of the inner leirliottr addl.,: :11.,•:11-(Iv.- 1., IL,: t'...•::, 1,, i., , : . a I ;., :,, •c .m1 The Committee of* the Colonists were taking steps to olditin the " Tin! im,•111.71,•.., of m1,..• fr.-1, .11 i i.-. 'T...., i I., 1 ... , 11.1 an I ..1 m I.- • 1:, • I-1) ot order,—tlea is, they e.illud in the aiil of the ,-,.n.i.rign ',wry,. of the Irerwil (,,,,,:, ,,,,,.‘.,1 ih II r!,i, ,..-.11;1,,w, I, ,-;,..11.:,.•.; v,i,l, !;,.:1,,1 .‘;i. \rizli , ., Ii, ,11,.,.• II,.. I .le i ......,t 1,...l,,;,..,,, la,: num -am to III. .11, mizeutents w Iiiii4 are ;Moat to ht. p,•,:•,,,•-••,I to Min by the iso!tati " If the Erenel: G•Lt••••••.1:11,iit ..,•,t1,,l I•,..,- :1,t-t! 0,,,,,Is t!iieo• itu ly cm-aria:um Iii pia mi eml to 1 1:••• comph,• ,:i •.. •,:.:Itt !.. t.olt, ihtt I ;..., , : .li• a 1101111 a:- "NOTlEE TILE PUIII.1E. of itat•io,./: ,•,•1 .,11 1•••;••,posi.-1 to !II, hie!' would hav-t (•!'reet ,1 •-•••-1, .• i•1 :to time. The description or ILI, m.o.y j II It I 1,111 Indies, and other ir:trin cImmie-, with wax, is zittended with nitt,s11 i;:,!ouve- tlicrl'fore it eatinotI i pini,sN i.; „1,111.,1))., melting of the wax and adhesion of the letters to each other. In the ease of a. Faris paper, rec.,,c.l.y l•:'.,11,t.11 A hi'' Ii tc - mail recently arrived from India, considerable delay was occasioned at this nister 15\ it. N101 1:i1 ,11% t 11 more (..,r,•le,4 office; and notwithstanding the greatest cam was taken in separating the about the „/: ,A111 11,3
letters, whielt owiug to the cause already mentioned adhered closely teAtither,, 1, ha e
litany were much dailutg,id ;Lod torn. The public lac therelbre recionmetutv;i, availed themselve,I I I I I im-eutionsill w,...ipous I I 1-1 that in MI possible eases, to use w:tfet•s iv preference to sealing their letters sent to India, or other warat clitnat,!s ; ;old also to mulvise their correspondents in those if the army of •••••••••.• ' I 1 ,,,,tiust the countries to tairstie the sante course. ico,eils of ile).•), powers, time Fr,,mm.•11 s,)1,1i,,,.. v on1•1 11,11 liA,•moseIven " By command, W. L. 31xitinit,v, Seen:tory." 11;.b. :mg Oil Ill,,'' iii ;••••••,11.. 111,11 :hey 11.015151 5-50•0W 510115 it lImit The To , lets t1,1s v I eharge 1.0, 1 3 I, lbourne,