. . A Lar,in.• Portion Of' Ml : • , 1 ; ;11;1. ; 1 ' •
.., 11 , i ,• 1 a::; Ir.. ' 1 ' 4 . 1 1 (0 ' 1 .1 • • - /It p, ■1 :11 Ii.v...1'111,„1 ' 1 , ;111S ■ 111 , . " . id (LI POSTSCRIPT. Queen's Theatre. Thy ly• -, .v.,! the , •0 ,......
The Good People' E.f .11. Liven) Have Been Occupied For
sev era l f a , hest weed; as well ;es in celebrating the fetes in honour of 'tub er ' s hest weed; as well ;es in celebrating the fetes in honour of 'tub er ' s w e t() iris......
Ceived In That Capital From The French Embassy In London
%died' an- . 5•• .5 1 5 - I ..•„ • . . - • . • I papers state that King Leopold, min) reached Brussels on the 2etit, " If I :on mid, •:( F,, ,,',•• s.• oiduiti,•,:. YOLIZOW......
\ve .liould Rejoice Is (.1 (1 ,. . • Stowed On I
hi. lhoopt,•11. ii 1 , th,• •t• mt, ! • •t!to befriend it : 5,011 %dm lei, j5''l'iriCIlI i is•• P •• t Dr. Hampden ? As a mui ht has unmie-tientil ••!,11,, I o• a Christian, his......
Austria, T■rrat Britain, Prussia, And Ltir..ia, To Come...
understandim; with .:,, , ,1 1,•:,,•. ot, 1 p• .:, ..-.:: , 11, of the Levant, hut also of the ■-reat importance which these (!outts have III vet the French G‘ivetattotnt rin......