Ar../ tl. prole:pal operators Lave tecis lIt s cont:.•1•1.•il with the rgeon- e.prts:.&,... The imprnveinclit in the l'reni Is Fintsts Irs net ol so great an effect ;Ton our owls, as under ether eirconl-1:::.ecs taiplst have been ex- pected; the tendency to improvement havits;; Leen ein tled by the near ap- proach of' the settling-day, and the dilliaulty which many ()I' the innun elass speculators experienced in e,tri.■ ing (our I h. ir art mints. The t• continuation,' or premium paid for holsliog steel, time the 2.; I II instant till the t ttls ( ',Hobe]. (the day fixed for the sett lenient of the 0..toIter Acesatitt,) I u r:i'0111 -pet cent.; the latter rate sitferditig an Mk rt...1 or more than 5 per ilt. upon the numey employed—it Isilt ral,2 u hvis givca upon the security of 1.ffiglish Steel:. So great, baked, oes the di heed: for money yesterday, that ID per cent was given for loans :iron Stuck hr(me or tito IL...vs. It was generally anticipates! that Stock would Ise is ry !..s.ares: upon the ;settlement or the Ac- count, as the public hatl bought larely 14 money upon every drpre,sion, and the market was completely cleared of some of the heavy Stocks. Sonic of the large speculators, lion its t., ever On ir accounts, instead of taking their stock ; and the mone.■ -511;•1.1,,t !wing 1,11it tut!, it depiTssiot, was the conse- quence. which had I wen us high as tio!j, declined yesterday to S9.!i, mlIving. It lit Cu! toe-nits the elo:e of hasiia,s; and clese at 69,1 for ikloney, Sit for du- Os ;ohs r A s tAtIj. At dm 5510 slug tilbusinef.s thb: morning, the limitation: ;dal ''‘.);. I'm. October : an improvement to 90,; allerw.;rds. eccerrtsl ; lint tovards the afternoon. reports of great naval preparations at Portsmouth (taus, it a depression to nu, at which price there were for one motneat sellers; last the cl,,sing prim is 90,', I,. India Stock has been Timid at 2 i9 ; and Bank Slot Is, all ..r beit,g at 1611, to-day at 169. The premium upon Emtliespicr Ift11, us. experienced It decline el. tft. The great donand for nio:icy on the Ac. (mai ilay having induces! extensive sales, the premium fell ) 2;s. to 19s.; and after builq tleprt'ssed to-day to iSs., closes at Ie.,. to The operations in the Alw.het not been extensive. Some fluetua- tions in Ibitell Stock lutes. ; the speculators iti which have been chiefly guided in their sit :err, s'hoss hy tie variations of the Consul 3Iarlset. The Two-aml-affialf per l'ents, are to-day at 51',, being an improve:quoit or per Cent. upon the mtettitian of last week, w Idle it is i tar cent. below the highest price—viz. 'Ile other t Dividend-Toying Storks are without material floo-itation. 801110 c011 transactions have occurred in Portuguese Regency, which were driven by purchases up to 35!.i : these Bonds have, howev.y, declined to-slay, III., cuss liters having brought Stock to market ; sortie eons:doable amounts have tven sushi at 34!„ thus marking a fall of 1 per cent. : the inini!nal quotation sit the close of business was 34 Some very large purchases Of PtC-.11:.."Iteae PVC let' Were Made about three weeks ago, Ihr the Illst instant ; and as the Sleek in question has been all carrkd over instead or•o ool or the market, the above decline is the Conleipiclice. ;:paiii:1% Active S(oci., 1111101 in the early part of the iveek 26, has declined in couseitm of' the ,triirvssion in Paris; and alter being to-day tit 2-1,t, closes at 1%.5. 'flat e,.ittii A na:i i_aii Securities have Leen steady, with but trifling variation, fiem the of last week, and without any husinesss of importance.