Several destructive fires have occurred in London during the present
On Monday morning, a fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Wins- land, a carpenter and builder in Brewer Street, Bloomsbury; which extended to numerous houses in the neighbourhood, and destroyed pro- perty to the amount of about 14,000/. On Thursday mourning about two o clock, the upper floors of the warehouses of Mire's Wharf, near the entrance to the London Docks, were discovered to be on fire ; and in the course of au hour the whole of the wharf, and most of the con- tents of the warehouses, were destroyed. The loss is commutated at upwards of 40,000/. During the fire, a sailor, in attempting to force open a trap-door, fell into the street on his head ; and he is not ex- pected to recover.
On the same morning, the premises of Mr, Freo, Slater Street, Long Lane, Bermondsev, were also consumed by fire, with property to the amount of 10,000/. A fire broke out, also on the same morning, in a home in White-. chapel Road, which was destroyed.