The quarterly meeting of the Marylebone Reform and Registration Association
was Iteld on Wednesday evening; Mr. Bagshaw, the late Member for Sudbury, and President of the Association, in the chair. The following statement was made of the results of the labours of the Association during the two years since it was formed. In the year 1838, the Association succeeded in getting claims allowed, 83; Ace- lions sustained, 101 ; total, 274 : in defeating Tory objections, 117; Tory claims, :16-153 : making a difference to the register, in favour of Reftarmers, of 427. In 1839, through the sole advocacy of the Asso- ciation, the claims allowed were 61; objections sustained, :11;0; total, 421 : Tory objections failed, 89 ; Tory claims failed, :17 : making a difference in the register, in favour of Reformers, of 557 ; and a total difference in two years of 984.
Bartholomew Fair is about to be suppressed as regards the essentials of a pleasure-fair. The Lord Mayor and the Conunissioner of the City Police have received a series of resolutions from the Markets Committee, which have been adopted under the reference of the Com- mon Council of the 2d of July last ; by one of' which it is agreed, " That booths for the exhibition of plays, interludes, pantomimes, and all other theatrical entertainments, be henceforth entirely excluded front the fair ;" and by another, " That no swing, roundabout, flying vehicle, or other machinery of a like nature, be permitted in any part of Smithfield Market." The fair will likewise, by these regulations, instead of lasting four days, be limited to two days and a half; and will conclude on Saturday by about ten o'clock at night, so that all the 'machinery and paraphernalia may be removed before Sunday.