John Randlesome, the man cony hied and ssedenced at the
last Nor- wich Assizes for the murder of hiswid. was executed on Saturday. To the last he denied his guilt ; tieeiela there is no reason whatever to doubt, not only that he was th murderer, but that he had attempted three times to destroy her by imison. Since his condeinnatim he is said to have exhibited no coffiritiao. A resthe s impatience, amounting in some instances to violenee of temper affil coarseness of language, seemed to have merked his fl•Illoanour, only to he overeome by threats on the part of his atteudants. The inoebing of the execution appears
to have found him the sat ie b n, ear .j. he could no longer hope to escape the extreme peoalt2.-ni th.• Lees 31;tviag refused food, he was very weak on coming to tho soaff d•!, auff had to be assisted by the
officers. Many thousands of Ill were as ccinbled on the Castle-hill to witness the execution.
An aged farmer and his sit, neuted Cooke, ',rho lived at Peover, near Knittsford, v.-ere into de, ei (la Motelay night, by a man who knocked at their hens about ten o'clock, en.1 ss soon as the old man opened the door, struck him to the ground silt]. a hatehet, and repeated the blows till lie expired. Mrs. Cooke was iii bed ; and hearing a noise below stairs, shouted out to her husband, inquiring whether he wanted as candle. No alma er li. lug given, she rose from bed ; when the inur. derer rushed upon the old women, and despatched her With the same instrument with which he bad killed the husband. Ile then broke open the drawers. coot:tilting the money and other valuables of the owner, and departsd. These fuel .5 are communicated by the servant- girl, who lay awake ia bed during the svhole of' the frighttill scene ; and who saw the murderer, far he visited her bed- room, but she feigned to be asleep. The poor girl remained in bed COI four o'ckek Gil the fol- lowing looming, sto terrified that she could nut unt are to re. At an inquest held upea the lode. on Tuesday, the StTV:Ilit•giri W116 ex- amined at great length, :Pal eave a deeeripiitat of the appearance of the assassin. A verdiet cit " !Mil Murder ' was rett.roed against some person or persons unknown. The mustier has produced great conster- nation in the neighbourhatd of the pleee ; and strong susphdons are entertained that the foul ml. 1 was co..nnlift'd by a relative. N‘alting has as yet been missed f.-e.a the 11 use ; asd. si/. ill mooey, the will of the deceased Mr. Coils, and several viduable doetunenis, !Live Leen found. The desk in the MOLL when., lite botlies lay h.el tea ii into by finch% the lock ; but a silver clii and other plate in the board over over were left uudisturbed.