29 AUGUST 1840, Page 5


The Lord .1,ientenata lets approved a tIe ree,h11111CIldation of' the Grand Jury of Galway to red tee the Conqabulary forced that county ; and directions have Leen given to abolish in the Eastern division nine stations, one sub-i»spector, one head cost stabh., tind to trsnsfer sixty- five men to other counties. This will effect a saving of 1,1)00/. a year to the cess-payers.

Mr. Pigot, who had yaw, I Id; seat for Chnnuell by having accepted the office of Attorney-General 1■■•: Ireland, was rei,leeted without op- position, on Friday. Ile was proposed by Father Baldwin, and se- conded by Mr. Hackett. The k.itliCtlitieS arising fitem the balance of parties in Parliament, mild Ic.;.:.retS at the mutilation of the Irish Muni- cipal Bill which Gov.:mines; :eel permitted, nod denunciations of Lord Lyndhurst and Lord Stanley, formed the heads of Mr. Pigot's speech in returning thanks.

The Honourable Mr. Carew was returned on Monday for the county of Waterford, in place of Mr. J. Power, of Gttrteee, without any opposition.

At an adjourned meeting of the Duldin Corporation, on Friday, the following resolution; in reference to a circular that had been sent to the

members of the Corporation from the Repeal Association, was agreed to, on the motion of Mr. Quinton-

" Resolved, That the Protestants of Ireland be, and arc hereby respectfully, affectionately, and firmly warned, to abstain, at the present moment, from any declaration in litvour of au association styling itself the Loyal National Repeal Association of Ireland; an association formed for the purpose of prostrating what renutins of our once Protestant constitution, and which now insidiously invites, with the view of effectinno its objects, the cooperation of those to whose exertions the Protestantism of the country has on BO many former occasions owed its preservation." The resolution was then sent up to the Board of Aldermen for their concurrence. Mr. O'Connell stated at the Repeal meeting on Monday, that the resolution was carried in the Court of Aldermen by a majority of one only.