There has been sonic mystification as to the " whereabout " of the Colonial Secretary ; which we find elucidated at last by the Dumfries Times, It appears that Lord John Russell, who had been recently ,isithig the Earl of Carlisle, at Naworth Castle, " and other families of
tinction in Sunderland," passed through Dmtmfries on Monday, on his way to Drumlanrig, the seat of the Duke of Buccleuch ; where it was understood he would remain a few days on a visit to the noble owner of that castle. The Edinburgh Liberal Election Committees, at a meeting hold on Tuesday, passed resolutions to invite Lord John to a public dinner hi that city.
The Chartists of Glasgow, when they heard it was in agitation to invite his Lordship to that town, agreed to a requisition, to the following effect—
a My Lord—Understanding the self-styled Reformers of Glasgow are anxious
that your Lordship would accept of a public dinner in the city, we, the under- signed Chartists, humbly request that your Lordship would accept of the same, in order that we, Chartists, may have time opportunity of confronting your Lordship with the victims of your system, Collins, Lovett, and M‘Douall, as also to put a few questions to your Lordship %%hit regard to the finality of the Reform Rill, the present distress of the Country, and affairs generally." The Glasgow C,ntrier says that there were SOO signatures attached to the Chartist requisition, whilst up to Tuesday only 100 persons had signed the invtation. The Glasgow Argus of Thursday, however, states that the Whig requisition " has been most numerously and respectably signed," and that it would be presented to Lord John when the deputa- tion had obtained accurate information where to find him.
The Chartists have 'agreed to a procession and demonstration in honour of Collins, S;c. on their arrival in Glasgow on the 21st day of September, the first day of the meeting of the British Association.