29 AUGUST 1908, Page 1

The Times of Friday publishes a message from its special

correspondent, who has reached Damascus on his way to the ceremonies at Medina in connexion with the Hedjaz Railway.

This railway, which has been subscribed for by pious Moham- medans all the world over, including even Indian Moham- medans, is completed as far as Medina, and will be opened with great rejoicings next Tuesday, the anniversary of the Sultan of Turkey's accession. It is said that as this remark- able line for opening up the way to the Holy Cities is regarded by the faithful as a sacred undertaking, there has not been a, trace of the usual corruption. The chief figure of the pre- liminary celebrations at Damascus was Field-Marshal Kiazim Pasha, who has been head of the construction and com- mandant of the line. The German engineer of the line, Meissner Pasha, was also present. As an illustration of the extraordinary interest taken in the railway, we may quote the correspondent's statement that eighty Egyptian notables are among the throng of people on their way to Medina. The originator of the scheme was the notorious Izzet Pasha. Of course, the Sultan will be well served by the line, for it will strategically, as it were, help him as the spiritual head of Islam. The revolution in Turkey will make no difference to the work of the Hedjaz Railway. Now that Medina has been reached there is little doubt that the line will be continued, in accordance with the original plans, to Mecca. The mind almost reels at the thought of this fiercely guarded city of traditional exclusiveness being invaded by a railway, and that by the spontaneous act of Mussulmans.