29 AUGUST 1908, page 14

(to Tier Editor Or Thr “speotstor:1

Slit,—In the Report of one of the Committees of the Lambeth Conference we read as follows :—" The time has come to have an efficient pension scheme for the clergy, and no such......

The Ethics Of Shakespeare.

[To THE EDITOR. Mi. TIM ”SPRCUTOIX•1 Sru,—The writer of the article, "Shakespeare on Johnson," which appeared in your iseue of Angnet 1st, remarks that Johnson is indignant that......

The Territorial Fqrce.

[To THR EDITOR or THE " EITCTAILTO/I.1 Snir.,—In his interesting letter in your issue of August 22nd Mr. Edwin Freshfield suggests that it may be possible "to secure the assent......

[to The Editor Op The "spigot/emu." J

SIR,—May a poor curate who only sees your valuable paper through the courtesy of a friend venture to express his view on Church finance ? Our great need is co-operation. I do......