[To TRH EDITOR Or TII• "SPROIVOR.."] Sin,—The present year seems to be a year of International Congresses. We have had the Peace Congress, the Historical Congress of Berlin, and others; and next come the Oriental Congress at Copenhagen, the Ethical Education Congress of London, and a host beside. Of special interest in its way ig the Congress of the History of Religions, to be held at Oxford on September 151h-18th. It is curious to see the city which has long been noted as a source of schools of Christianity opening her gates to admit those whose special object is to set forth the common elements in all religions, and so to throw light on each. This is no Parliament of Iieligiorts like the Assembly at Chicago, but a purely historic congress from which controversy, except such as arises in regard to the facts of history, is excluded. It is curious that this is the first occasion on which an International Congress has been held at Oxford. The arrangements are going forward. The University has lent the Examina- tion Schools for the occasion. Sir Alfred Lyall has agreed to act as president : the presidents of sections are as follows :—Religions of the Lower Culture, Mr. Hart- land ; Chinese Section, Professor Giles; Egyptian, Professor Petrie; Semitic, Professor Jastrow; Indian, Professor B,hys Davide; Greek and Rtnnan, M. Salomon Reinach ; Teutonic and Celtic, Sir J. Rhys ; Christian, Professor Sunday; Section of Method, Count Goblet d'Alviella. Something like hundred papers have already been promised, which will be published at length or in abstract in a large octavo volume. But as every one knows, the chief profit of these Congresses comes from the meeting of colleagues and collaborators in friendly discussion and social intercourse, for whieh full provision has been made. For such intercourse the quad- -rangles and spires of Oxford will be no bad background. To those who wish to join the Congress, the honorary secretaries (Dr. Carpenter, 109 Banbury Road, Oxford, or Dr. Parnell, 191 Woodstock Road, Oxford) will send papers furnishing
further information.—I am, Sir, &c., P. G.