On Friday week the men of the - United States Battleship
Fleet landed at Sydney. In the evening a banquet was -given by the State in the Town Hall. On Monday there was a review of over thirteen thousand troops in the Centennial Park. Admiral Sperry, the Times correspondent tells us, "declared that never in his life had he seen so fine a body of Volunteer troops." This was the largest review ever held in Australia. The American sailors were allowed to carry arms by a special suspension of the law which forbids the lauding of foreign troops with arms. The chief ceremonies ended on Monday, and then both Australians arid Americans gave themselves over to less formal entertainments such as bring men most quickly on intimate terms. The enthusiasm of the reception has been quite as great as at Auckland. The American sailors have behaved in an exemplary manner, and the same can be said of the Sydney crowds. The "larrikin," if he still exists outside legend, has not taken advantage of the occasion. Judging from the comments of the Australian.. papers, we think there is no doubt that the spectacle of the fine American Fleet is giving a distinct impetus to Australian naval ambitrione.