Sir Francis Oppenheimer is, of course, roundly denounced by Tariff
Reformers for his Cobdenite bigotry; but it is tolerably clear that he is no fanatic, for he frankly adreibe that syndication may minimise the evile incident to the continuance of a Protective system, and he would probably attach less importance to fiscal policy as a factor in national prosperity than to thrift and scientific methods, We may add
that a Report issued by the Foreign Office on the trade and commerce of Pomerania contains striking confirmation, based on official returns compiled at Breslau, of Sir Francis Oppenheimer's statement as to the increased cost of living in Germany. In women's eldthing the rise sittee 1896 is on an average fully 30 per cent., hots:4101d goods have gone up 15 to 20 per cent., fuel 16 per cent., and on eighteen common articles of diet the average increase amounts to 25 per cent.