29 AUGUST 1908, Page 22

Redemption. By Rene Basin. With a Preface by Dr. A.

S. Rappoport. (Sisley's. 6s.) —The translation of this book, though marred by one or two blemishes, is sufficiently flowing for the reader's enjoyment of the story. At the same time, those to whom the reading of French presents no difficulties are advised to make acquaintance with M. Rene Basin's remarkable novel, "Do Toute son Ame," in its original form rather than in any translation. The picture of Francis working people cannot fail to be of interest to the English reader, the chief thing which will strike him being the extraordinary difference between the relations of employer and employed in Republican France and Dfonarchical England. Generally the position of the work- man in France is inferior to that which lie enjoys here. The figure of Mlle. Henriette, the milliner's assistant, is full of charm and vitality, and the story of the devotion of her life to the poor will convince the reader of its truth.