29 AUGUST 1908, Page 23

Memories of Gardens. By Alexander Lanes Shand. With Memoir by

Sir Rowland Blennerhassett, Bart. (West Strand Pub- lishing Company. 10s. 6d. net.)—In this volume we have a reprint of fifteen papers recently—i.e., within the last ten years— contributed to a contemporary. Besides that which supplies the title, we have these subjects : "The Tramp in Summer,"" Scottish Games," "Angling Recollections,. "The Last of the Road," "Old Waterways," and "Manners." Criticism would be out of piste°, and, indeed, Mr. Shand's name sufficiently commends them. "The Eighteenth Century Squire" is a study founded on Fielding, Smollett, and other authorities. In the "Memoir" Sir Rowland Bleunerhassett says what he ought to say, end perhaps a little more. Surely it would be better to keep party reorintiqa- tions out of all discussions on Indian questions.