29 AUGUST 1908, Page 23

New EDITIONS. — We have received the first six volumes of "The

Oxford Thackeray " (H. Frowde, 2s. net per vol.) The arrangement is, as far as possible, chronological. The first volume contains Thackeray's earliest writings—the first of all was his comic Timbuctoo, dated April, 1829—and carries us down as far as 1841; Vol. II. begins with 1837, and goes down to 1845. The reason of this variation is that it is convenient to put together writings of the same kind. Dr. George Saintsbury furnishes a general introduction, and special notes where they are required. been, we need hardly say, add greatly to the value of the edition. This is to be completed in seventeen volumes. It would be difficult, we imagine, to find a better equivalent for the very moderate price charged. Contrast seventeen volumes of Tlutckeray for 34s., and eight novels of the day at 4s. 6d. each, making 36s., even if the novels are really new.—Messrs. Methuen and Co. send us four volumes of " Rudyard Kipling's Poems." These are The Five Nations, The Seven Seas, Depart- mental Ditties, and Barrack Room Ballads. The volumes are neatly bound in red leather at 219. net in case, or 5s. net per volume.