29 AUGUST 1908, Page 23

The Trout-Waters of England. By Walter M. Gallichan. (T. N.

Foulis. 25. 6d. net.)—" The waters that I shall describe in these pages," writes Mr. Gallichan in his preface, "are 'open'—that is to say, the holiday angler can enjoy his recreation upon their banks without fee in some cases ; while in none of the quarters will he find it necessary to expend much money upon his sport." It would have been well if he had given us a list of the absolutely free waters, beginning with the Thames. We take it that this list would have been short. The angler must go far nowadays if he is to fish for nothing. The method actually followed does not seem to us a very useful one. A map of England with the free waters marked in colour would have been more instructive. As a matter of fact, many waters described are not open, and not even cheap. On p. 24, for instance, we hear of a certain preserve in the Itchen where a season ticket costs 225. Waters, too, that can only be fished by residents in an hotel are not cheap. And the long distances to be travelled before the moderately cheap waters can be reached must be reckoned.