S. Exercises in Geography is the first of a series
of Elementary Works published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. It is, we presume, a direct opposition to the Society of Useful Knowledge: at any rate it is a formidable rival. These Exercises in G eography are strictly elementary; and in 4 brie spaoe comprise a neat compendium of the principles of Geography as a science, and of the principal facts respectino. the Earth's ''sur face. The compilation has been executed with taste, judgment, and accuracy ; and may be recommended as the best and briefeSt text-book of geographical instruction. Considerable pains have been taken to render the facts connected with the laws of Nature, which regulate the motions of our planet, clearly understood, and. easily remembered. There is great good sense in also confining the descriptive part to absolute facts : the writer has very pros perly omitted all those sweeping estimates of national character commonly found in our geographical compendia. It is very pro- perly remarked, that it is impossible on these subjects to convey, in a single sentence, information that: shall not be erroneous, without making it utterly vague anal nomianing. All such generalities are therefoze excluded, an a 'nothing but positive and specific facts are stated. The work is very' teatly got up, and .yet cheaply.