3. The Happy Week, By The Authoress Of 'the Odd
Volume, must be strongly recommended to all parents:for the amusement and instruction of their children. There are.many good reasons for speaking well of this pretty volume.......
4. We Are Glad To Receive The Concluding Volume Of
the works of the admirable ROBERT HALL. Our opinion of his merits has been warmly expressed. There is a portrait here : but who can take the portrait of an orator ?—if he is not......
2. Madame Swinton Belloc Has Translated Some Of Miss...
Early Lessons, and the first part of Harry and Lucy, into French. We are only surprised that the task has not been previously executed.......
S. Exercises In Geography Is The First Of A Series
of Elementary Works published under the direction of the Committee of General Literature and Education appointed by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. It is, we......
7. The Want Annua Iaitce Little Square Book, Full Of
prattle and plates. The stories are infantine in their manner, and sage in their moral. Whether the pictures will please or not,, we have some difficulty in saying: we fear they......
5. We Have Many Of The Small Pamphlets Of Mr.
GIRDLESTONE, the Vicar of Sedgeley. He appears to us very much what a clergy- man ought to be—the teacher of his parish, and an example of excel- lent Christian conduct. He:has......
Books On The Table.
1. A new project has been started, called the Library of Ro- mance : the object seems to be to condense new novels into one volume, and charge a proportionate price. It will be......
6. We Have Received, From Sydney, A Synopsis Of Latin
Gram- ar, in one sheet. Think of that, gentle reader—a Latin Acci- dence from Botany Bay ! [We wish it had not cost, in postage, the sum of four-and-eightpence. This is not a......
Mr. Colburn's Pedigrees Of The Country Gentlemen.
So here is a new scheme to turn vanity into pence. The most *retched vanities are generally the _most lucrative to the person who has the hardihood to e:tploiter 'them. Carroty......
Lord Althorp's Pledges.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—Concurring as I do inmost of the editorial observations which I read in your valuable paper, there is an article in that of the 22d instant,......