The same stories of the warlike intentions of Prussia,with which
the public have so often been amused, have been renewed within the past week. The King and the Crown Prince were said to have been reconciled, and that it was consequently resolved imme- diately to 'attack the French army. The following extract from the French journal the Messager des Chambres. of 24th Decem- ber, will put our readers in possession of the story, as it was par- tially believed in Paris a few days since.
" We have just seen a letter from Berlin, dated the 16th instant, which was Tut into the post at Cologne by a courier, who had promised to take it so far ; it arrived at Paris this morning, and contains very important news. It an- nounces nothing less than a reconciliation between the Prince Royal and the Xing his father ; it states that these two august personages supped together on the 15th instant ; that there was afterwards a Cabinet Council, at which the King and the Prince were present ; that the majority of the Ministers were in favour of peace, and the King was of their opinion ; but that the opinion of the Crown Prince was expressed with so much vivacity, and supported by argu- ments of such a nature, that the King was induced to change his opinion, and acceded to that of the minority of the Council ; that on this, the Ministers, who were in favour of peace, tendered their resignation, which was accepted ; and that the formation of a new Cabinet would take place immediately."
The letter from Berlin, it will be observed, is dated the 16th. The Times of Friday contains the contradiction to the above report, dated also from Berlin on the 17th. Both letters appeared in the same French paper, the Massager.
‘, The Messager des Chan:in-es refers to a letter from Berlin of the 17th, ac- cording to which the King has resolved on opposing the wishes of the war party, at the head of which is the Crown Prince; and will, therefore, not change his Ministers, as he had been on the point of doing."