Count von Bismarck made rather an important speech in the
Berlin Chamber on the 21st inst. The subject was Schleswig- Holstein, and the Premier admitted that he accepted the plebis- citum for North Schleswig only to avoid the risk of a war with France. He thought himself that unwilling subjects were no some of strength, but still the vague wording of the clause about Schleswig "allowed Pruisia a certain latitude in carrying it out," and she would "so act that the plebiscitum should be the unin - fluenced and final judgment of the people," in other words,. will See" that the vote is not for reanion to Denmark. As for the Prince of Angustenburg, the Count regarded him as an ally of Austria and an enemy. As to misgovernment in Schleswig, he really could not lie expected to look after every policeman who might happen to be harsh. . All this is very cynical, but its frank- ness conciliated the Chamber, which does not wish either to quarrel with Bismarck or to give up North Schleswig.