29 DECEMBER 1866, page 2

Lord Dufferin Has Written A Second Letter To The Times,

in which he shows precisely what he promised to show,—that the emigration from Ireland is not due to the evictions of tenant-farmers by ruthless landlords in any appreciable......

We Are Happy To Announce That Mr. Grant Duff Has

been elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen. The voting by tribes gave two tribes to Mr. Grote and two tribes to M r . Grant Duff. But as "the popular vote,' as the......

The Bishop Of St. David's Charge, Which We Had Intended

to notice sooner, is a very able one, and also a somewhat hard piece of reading. The Bishop betrays no sympathy at all with the clergymen who rebel against the Conscience......

The Italian Budget Introduced By S. Scialoja On The 21st

inst. is not very reassuring. The Minister of Finance estimates the total receipts for 1866-67 at 31,616,0961., and the total expendi- ture at 42,074,758/., showing a total......

The Pall Mall Gazette Had A Very Able Article On

Wednesday, pointing out how entirely the American Constitution has failed to control the majority of the nation when bent on preventing any further danger to the Union from......

"general" F. F. Millen, Late President Of The Fenian...

Council in Ireland, has published a letter in New York denouncing Stephens. He says Mr. Stephens is an incompetent leader, who once told him to "make a drawing of a corps......

Archdeacon Allen Promises To Bring Forward A Motion In Con-

vocation to prohibit the use of any vestments except the black gown, the black cap, and the surplice, and to refer all disputed questions of ritual to the Ordinary. He had much......

The Very Rev. Dr. Fitzgerald,—we Suppose The Roman...

of Limerick,—has fairly told his flock that to take part in the Fenian conspiracy is one of those mortal sins which will pre- vent him even from administering the sacraments to......

The "own Correspondent" Of The Times At Athens Reports That

about the 20th inst. the Cretan insurgents, about 6,00) strong, were concentrated in the hills above Alikianu, and intend to risk a general engagement with Mustapha Pasha, who,......