We are happy to announce that Mr. Grant Duff has
been elected Lord Rector of the University of Aberdeen. The voting by tribes gave two tribes to Mr. Grote and two tribes to Mr. Grant Duff. But as "the popular vote,' as the Americans call it, was in Mr. Grant Duff's favour,-215. for Mr. Grant Duff to 197 for Mr. Grote,—the Duke of Richmond, who is the Chancellor of the University, gave his casting vote for the member for Elgin Burghs. Had Mr. Grote not introduced what we hold to be uufair philosophical prejudices into the recent discussion at University College, London, we should have felt regret at his defeat, even though the brilliant member for Elgin be the gainer. But a Lord Rector of any University is bound-to consider learning and teaching-power, before either philosophical bias or Philistine fears.