during the WO twelve years iung. One of the most
1864, about the Conference of to my own view of the situation, I think it useful to let loose at the Conference all dogs eager to bark. The Danes should be treated to some noise. Pardon the sporting comparison. The full cry of the whole pack will cause foreigners to look upon the sub- jection of the Duchies to Denmark as simply impossible, and induce them to take into consideration programmes which it would be inconvenient for the Prussian Government to be the first to moot." And he goes on to add that amongst " foreigners " he expressly means to include- the partizans of the Duke of Augustenburg and all who are enthusiastic for a separate Schleswig- Holstein nationality. Count Bismarck was evidently using the German Bund, Baron von Beast and his friends, as mere barking hounds, whose cri Would excuse the Prussiaoa for interfering to compel some definitive settlement. The Count adds that he realizes his incompetency to fathom the Providence of events more and more daily; and becomes more confident that "the Lord knows how to turn our errors to advantage," and becomes also "humbler in
heart." The tone of the letters cer leaves room for this.
Some curious extracts from Count Bismarck's correspondence been published in the Kreuz „passages is written in May, on on Danish affairs :—" As