We have given much of our space this week to
two very lengthy letters on the "Confederation of Canada," a scheme which must be decided dosing the coming session. Neither disputant seems to us quite to snake out his case, though the defender smashes the Hon. 3. Howe en passant after a fashion that gentleman will not - approve. The strong point in favour of the scheme is that it will --`ereatssain the end a new nationality, the strong point against it, that a considerable minority of colonists object to be denational- ized. Under those circumstances the question is one which must be left to the Imperial Parliament, to be decided in the interests alike of Great Britain and of the colonies themselves. Our opinion remains unchanged—that the scheme is a wise and states- manlike one, that the opposition of any individual colony ought to be set aside, but that the maritime provinces should be pro-. tected from the unfairness they dread by a much heavier vote in the Senate of the new Federation.