29 DECEMBER 1866, Page 3

The Americans have done another "big thing." The yachts- men

of Cowes consider a race from the Isle of Wight to Cher- bourg quite a feat, but three New Yorkers have raced their yachts in midwinter from New York to Cowes, the winner, Mr. J. G. Ben- nett, son of the editor of the Herald, sailing in his own vessel. So bad was the weather that the Fleetwing had six sailors swept off by a single sea, yet the three arrived within a few hours of each other, and the winner, the Henrietta, had not started a rope, and made an average passage of 218 miles a day, making on one occasion 280 miles—fast steamer's work. Cowes, though slightly jealous, is very hospitable, and Mr. Bennett has been welcomed and feted as cordially as if he were not related to the Herald. Well, he has done a gallant thing, won an enormous stake, 18,0001., and showed to all the world that the New York jeunesse done can do something besides play billiards and make money. Why should he not be feted?