GENERAL BOULANGER has at last an opportunity of putting his popularity to the teat in Paris. During the whole of his campaign, there has been no vacancy in the thirty- eight seats for the Department of the Seine ; but a Deputy, M. Hude, a wine manufacturer, has now died, and General Boulanger has seized the opportunity of contesting the seat. He has conciliated the Orleanist Party, always strong among the bourgeoisie of Paris, by promising to repeal the law banishing the Princes; and M. B,ochefort declares that the 180,000 readers of his paper, the Intrunsigeange, are ready to support him. The twofold vote would give him an immense majority, and the Republicans are puzzled how to act. If they select a strong Radical, M. Pierre Baudin, as their candidate, they will frighten the moderate Republicans to the General's side, while if they nominate a Moderate, M. Vacquerie, they will give the Extremists an excuse for deserting them. As the regular mot d'ordre of the party now is, "When in doubt, play a Radical," M. Baudin will probably be selected, and General Boulanger will therefore be supported by all the combined forces of Conservatism, plus all the angrily discontented. The election, it is assumed, will be fixed for January 15th, as Paris does not like waiting ; but the Govern- ment have the power, under the electoral law, to postpone it to March.