[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR, — The feeling alluded to in the latter part of your article of December 22nd on "The Evil Eye," is not unknown in Europe. My wife and I observed it on two occasions during......
"mein Kind, Wir Waren Kinder."
[FROM HEINE.] MY bairn, when we were bairnies, Wee bairnies in oor play, We creepit into the henhouse, An' hid oorsels in the strae. We crawed like cocks an' hens there, And as......
WORDSWORTH.* THE only part of The Recluse which Wordsworth had finished is now given to the public for the first time. It might well have formed one of the books of The Prelude,......
A SONG OF BATTLE. IMPERATOR MILITIBUS BUIS. CHARGE, bayonets, charge! But gently, not too wildly ! For fear they "buckle in," prod not too hard ! Out, sabres, out ! But, mind......
[to The Editor Of The " Spectator."1 Sia,—in Your Article
on "The Evil Eye, " you have touched on a question which seems curiously overlooked by scientific observers. I am not quite sure that there is not some ground of fact at the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. " ] Sin,—the Author Of...
article on "The Evil Eye," in the Spectator of December 22nd, is not aware of the existence of a converse belief in the "Good Eye." May I refer him to "Three Generations of......