MY bairn, when we were bairnies, Wee bairnies in oor play,
We creepit into the henhouse, An' hid oorsels in the strae. We crawed like cocks an' hens there, And as the folk gaed by, Clock-clock-clock, cookie-leery-law, They thocht it was their cry.
The auld corn-kist in the high barn We made it oor sin wee house, And there we dwalt thegither, And orackit cant' an' crouse.
The neebor's auld Pussy-Baudrons Cain' in to speer for us a' ; We made her laigh bows and courtsies, When she rase an' gaed awa'.
We speered for hers& an' her kitlins Wi' phrases glaikit an' fine ;
We has done the same I'm thimkin' To mony an auld cat sin syne.
We crackit like auld folk thegither, An' tellt ane anither oor waes, An' murned that a' thing was better Wi' us in the guid auld days.
Hoo faith an' the leal heart had vanished, An' the maut was stown by the miller, And the meal was sae dear, an' the milk was sae thin, An' oh ! hoo scant the Biller.
Gane by are the days o' oor bairns' play, An' a' the world rows by, The world an' its wealth, an' oor youth an' oor health, Oor faith, love, an' hope forbye. T. G. S.