The Dramatic Year, 1888, edited by Edward Fuller (Sampson Low
and Co.), is very much above the average of theatrical annuals, in spite of the fact that it is essentially American. Mr. William Archer contributes a long paper on "The Season in London," and a very good paper it is, marked by all Mr. Archer's insight and vigour, and not so much dominated, as many of his essays seem to be, by a craving after trenchancy above all things. But the rest of the book is written by American writers, and on. American stage representations; and in thoughtfulness, modera- tion, and even dignity of utterance, differs very widely from the kind of writing which we are accustomed to associate with the large cities of the States. We have read with special pleasure, as in its scholarliness recalling theatrical criticism of the older school, a paper on Madame Juaneschek, who is described as "the greatest of living tragic actresses."