Die Information gives some very curious instances of the way
in which the tie between Austria and Hungary is gradually loosening. For example, at the Sugar Convention held in Brussels the signature used was not that, as former]y, of "Austria-Hungary," but "Austria and Hungary," —that is, the document was Signed in the name Of tiao States instead of one as always heretofore. In the case of the Mercantile Treaty entered into with the Swits Con- federation special Formulas of the Agreement were drawn up for each State separately, one in German for Austria, and one in Hungarian for Hungary. And now Hungary is about to have her own special Treaty with Roumania in respect of the fishing in the Danube,—i.e., with a "foreign" State, although according to Paragraph 1 of the Act of December 31st, 1867, all such Treaties entered into should be signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in the name of "Austria-Hungary." No doubt these are to some extent merely matters of form, but we must never forget that in politics matters of form are apt to become matters of substance.