The Coming Struggle In The United States.
pro THE EDITOR OW THE "SPECTATOR,"] SIR,—In the article under the above heading which appeared in your issue of December 22nd you make one or two assumptions that the facts......
Naval Gunnery.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE *SPECTATOR.") SIR,—" A Naval Officer" says :—" The truth is that the shooting of the British Navy is not only good now, it has always been good"......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."]
SIR, — When will the Unionist Party learn that the Duke of Devonshire is a safer leader to follow than Mr. Balfour ? Mr. Balfour split the party by carrying, through a......
Pro The Editor Of The "srscueros."3 Sir, — Your Article...
week with the above title will necessarily receive the attention due to all the utterances of the Spectator. May I, therefore, be allowed space to point out that the writer of......
Letters To The Editor.
THE LOSS OF THE EDUCATION BILL. [To THE EDITOR Or TIES "SPECTATOR."] have read the notes of the week in your issue of Saturday last, and your article on the loss of the......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator.]
S13, —While in general agreement with your article of last week on the Education Bill, I must say that in my opinion you are not fair in fixing upon the Archbishop of Canterbury......