(To Tan EDITO3 Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sis,—Great has been the generosity of the public towards the sick and wounded in this world-wide war, but greater and ever- increasing have been the numbers of the wounded to whom the Red Cross ministers, and consequently greater is our need for money wherewith to pay for our work of mercy. Once more, as in former years, we appeal to the public to support a great sale of objects of art. This sale will be held in March or April, 1918, and Messrs. Christie, Munson, and Woods have generously consented again to conduct the sale, free of all remuneration. We are, there- fore, writing to ask for gifts of suitable objects for this sale. These gifts include ancient and modern pictures, drawings, prints of the Early English School, old French prints, jewellery, antique silver, small pieces of antique furniture, tapestry, antique clocks, and other decorative ornaments, old china, manuscripts, valuable books, historical relics, and valuable and interesting objects of art. Objects intended for the sale should be sent to the Red Cross depot, 20 King Street, St. Jarrirb's, S.W. 1, and should be received there not later than February 14th.—We are, Sir, he., ARTIEUR STANLEY, Chairman, Joint War Committee. HOBERT HUDSON, Chairman, Joint Finance COMMirtee. CHARLES Russets., Chairnian, Collections Committee.