Last Week We Lost By Mine Or Submarine Eleven Large
merchant- men over 1,600 tons, one smaller vessel, and one fishing-boat. The losses were numerically less than in the previous week, when thirteen large vessels and three......
News Of The Week.
T HE Navy will begin the New Year under a new chief. Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, who has been First Sea Lord since November, 1916, hat been replaced by Vice-Admiral Sir Rosalyn......
The British Line In France Was Subjected At The End
of last week to a series of trench raids at various points, which had little success, but showed that the enemy is now very much on the alert. Last Saturday the Germans made a......
The German Foreign Secretary, Herr Von Kuhlmann, And The...
Foreign Minister, Count Czernin, with Bulgarian and Turkish delegates, met the Russian Anarchist representatives at Brest-Litovsk last Saturday to begin peace negotiations. Herr......
There Is No Trustworthy News As To The Progress Of
the civil war in Southern Russia. But the Ukraine Government have declared against the Anarehiste of Petrograd, and have taken over the Staffs of the Fourth, Eighth, and......
Christmas Has Come And Gone Uneventfully On The Western...
where the gunners alone have been active. But the great battle in which our Italian Allies are engaged, in the hills over- looking the Brenta Valley, has continued without......
We Hope That Under A New Chief The Navy May
be able to use its immense resources in a new and more vigorous manner. Many good reasons may doubtless be given for the defensive policy which the Navy has hitherto pursued.......
General Allenby In Palestine Resumed His Advance On...
pushing forward his left and his right flanks. Our troops on the coast, supported by warships, crossed the Nahr-el-Auja near its mouth and advanced four miles by last Saturday.......
Enemy Airmen Made A Rajd On The Kentish Coast Lest
Saturday evening. The first group wr.s repulsed by gunfire ; one machine was brought down, and its crew of three was captured. A second group, coming three hours later, dropped......
The Paper Shortage.—we Trust That Readers Of The " Spectator
" will give definite orders to their newsagents for a copy of the "Spectator" to be reserved for them each week till countermanded.......