29 DECEMBER 1917, Page 13


(To TER EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—Possibly the enclosed Bridge Acrostics might amuse your Bridge-playing readers, and divert their thoughts for a few minutes from the horrid war.—I am, Sir, Ac.,

Bridge, Auction Bridge, is such a splendid game. Right joyously our soul it does inflame, Initial bids should only moderate be. Don't call beyond your strength, but wait and see. Get hints from other bids with little trouble, Extend your bid then, fly the flag, or double.

Ideas Grace redditum. wept rs caXorpires • l'E4>TP.11'... i.pope vadat. so far' hay eXerk, 'E ealeep imir truism Orpor 4,Xkycl.

4. Elm 21k—ak eXipme eirS rbv rm:yrau 'pleads, 'Tuts spares ode Akar', r6 6' Vass mayra v 'P far' Sr Adams & tel ac • A pm ra atfveor, SirrSare