29 DECEMBER 1917, Page 17


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Mr. Alf red T. Davies, the energetic Direotor of the British Prieonere of War Book Scheme (Educational), has sent us from his office at the Victoria and Albert Museum a little book, Student Captive's, giving a further account of the excellent work. Tho object of ties scheme is to enable our men in captivity to continuo or resume their studies, partly to relieve them from the tedium of a prison, partly to fit them for civil occupations hereafter. Serious books on all conceivable subjects to the number of nearly fifty thousand have been sent this year to two hundred camps, and many more are needed for other camps. Mr. Davies oaks for gifts of money to buy new technical works and for oilers of books, a list of which should be submitted beforehand, and we do not doubt that he will receive both in ample measure. "Books bring freedom to the minds of prisoners" is the motto of this truly admirable solteme.