An address from the Irish-Americans of Chicago to Mr. Redmond,
which was printed in last Saturday's Timm, conveys a sharp reminder to the Nationalists that the attitude of their kinsmen across the Atlantic has been completely changed by the entry of America into the war. These Irish-Americans have sent a large donation to the Nationalist funds because Mr. Redmond, besides advocating Home Rule, has supported the cause of the Allies. They point out that any Irishman who tries to embarrass Great Britain at this time is trying to embarrass America. "There is not a single honest and genuine Irish-American who does not stand behind the President and the American Government and the American people in this policy" of fighting a just war to a victorious issue. "The Irish people now have to choose between the enmity and the friendship of America." The Sinn Feiners, who openly proclaim themselves the friends of Germany, are stabbing America in the back. This plain speaking from Chicago should have a wholesome effect in Ireland.