The Engineering Employers' Federation and certain Trade Unions, in conference
last week, agreed to a scheme for the recog- nition of "shop stewards," to be elected in a factory by the Trade Unionists employed there, and to be controlled by the Trade Unions. In the case of a dispute between workmen and their foreman, the shop steward and one workman are to discuss the matter with the manager ; if they cannot agree, the Trade Union delegate and a representative of the Employers' Association are to join them at an adjourned meeting. There is to be no cessation of work until the negotiations are complete. As the question of the shop stewards has led to several serious strikes in munition works, it is highly important that it should be settled amicably and promptly. The great Amalgamated Society of Engineers has not yet accepted the new proposals, though it is understood to be in favour of the principle involved.