29 DECEMBER 1928, Page 13


Now regional planning, which was brought to birth by the Ministry of Health, will go ahead very quickly in the coming year. The counties will now for the first time possess sufficient powers and begin to realize their opportunity. Hert.. fordshire was the first to prepare a regional plan, and its report, published a year ago, has been studied throughout England. I understand that Cambridge is following suit at once. A new profession has been invented and any authority who desire may now call in a " county town planning consultant " as an invalid may call in a doctor. If we are " to maintain a beau- tiful England for posterity "—which is the cause of regional planning—we must make a united effort. Soon it may prove that even a County, much less a Rural District Council, is not a big enough unit. " Preservation is the keynote of regional planning " is a maxim laid down by one of the chief " consultants " and most of England needs preserving.

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