Last Sunday The Women And Children At The British Legation
at Kabul were removed by aeroplane to Pesha- war. This was done with the consent of the Afghan Government. Sir Francis Humphrys, the British Minister, has remained at his post.......
If We Took This Homily Out Of Its Context We
shouki think it unexceptionable, but the reason of the recent disappointment with Sir Austen is that he has in effect taken sides. He has not seemed fairly to hold the balance......
Turning To The Subject Of Anglo-american Relations, Sir...
that the American proposal of a new Arbitration Treaty had surprised him as he had been previously informed that the American Government wanted merely to renew the old Treaty.......
* * Lord Melchett Is The Pioneer Of British Rationalization,
which only means reorganization on rational lines. There will be no surprise therefore at the announcement that a huge nickel fusion, involving £100,000,000, is in prospect,......
We Regret To Record The Death Of Marshal Count Luigi
Cadorna at the age of seventy-eight. As a young staff- officer and ardent student of war he had a meteoric career, but when as Commander-in-Chief he suffered the disaster of......
* * The Decision Of The Smaller Trade Unions In
the West Riding Woollen Industry to support an application for safeguarding, though employers in the Bradford area had hitherto piped to them in vain, may not have much result......
By Far The Most Encouraging Industrial Development In The...
month has been the desperate effort of the principals in the cotton trade to compose their differences, as revealed in the Report of the Joint Committee of Cotton Organizations.......
" Big Business " In Great Britain Has Been Compara-
tively slow to appreciate the proper functions of com- petition and co-operation in the modern world, but recent developments in the iron and steel trade—and indeed in other......
The Consolidation Of Voluntary Agencies With The Lord...
for the relief of the mining areas has been carried a good deal further. On Friday, Decem- ber 21st, Lord Eustace Percy presided over a meeting of these organizations when......