29 DECEMBER 1928, Page 13


What subjects are English villagers eager to debate? The question arises over the new enterprise of the B.B.C. Active steps have already been taken. A particular village has now been selected as recipient for a loaned set which is to be available for the community in general. The chief officer of the parish council, and of the Women's Institute, the village schoolmaster, with ministers of religion and others, signed the request ; and the use that will be made of the set will arouse wide curiosity, of the best sort, among those who are active in reconstructing village life. This particular experiment, the first of its sort in relation to the village, has been undertaken in association with the Community Council for Hertfordshire. The idea is that special lectures, broadcast from London or Daventry, shall serve as a sort of proposer's speech for a village debate ; and adult education be promoted by this means. The first debate of the sort will probably be held in the third week of January.