He would be a bold reviewer who would attempt to
sum up even one essay of Dr. Jung's within the limits of a para- graph ; but here we have two whole books—Contributions to Analytical Psychology (Regan Paul, 18s.) and Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (Bailliere, Tindall and Cox, 10s. 6d.)— which we must at any rate recommend. 1)r. Jung's disciples are inclined to make a religion out of his psychology ; the master himself, however, has no such aim. In the Two Essays, he writes first of the Unconscious, and secondly of the relation between it and the Ego. In the larger book, which comprises a number of articles and addresses, he breaks a' good deal of new ground. " Woman in Europe " is one of his latest monographs. Both that and " The Love Problem of the Student contain valuable and important material.